Virtual Tutoring

The Benefits of Virtual Tutoring

Bulldog Tutors conducts our online tutoring via Zoom – the same software that universities like Yale, Harvard, and Columbia use to teach virtual courses. Zoom is available on all operating systems including mobile devices and is free to download. Zoom features include powerful screen sharing, screen annotation, a whiteboard, and text chat. Check out our demo here.

Screen Sharing and Annotations

Being able to share your screen is a great way to collaborate online. Tutors can annotate screen with pens, highlighters, and shapes. Students can also annotate the screen right back.


Whiteboard Feature

Instead of just sharing their computer screen, tutors can turn their entire screen into digital whiteboard. Tutors can draw and type out text just like a regular whiteboard. The whiteboard is great way to work through problems together.

Group Sessions

The Group Session feature allows for up to 100 people to be on the same video chat. This function is great for mimicking a real classroom setting. Bulldog Tutors uses this function to host college information sessions and SAT/ACT classes.

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Don’t hit the books alone! With Bulldog Tutors on your side, you’ll be ready to get the score you need.

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